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Investment Solutions for You, Your Business and Your Employees

From Employer Sponsored 529 Plans to Safe Harbor 401K plans, we can help you make the right decisions for you, your family, and your business. Certified Payroll Advisors will help you navigate all channels to ensure you are running as efficiently as possible. Retirement planning is an essential piece in not only retirement but also exit strategy planning. We pride ourselves in connecting the dots for you and guiding you to the right experts to make these decisions effective.


IRA & 401K FAQ

Investment accounts can be quite confusing if you aren’t familiar with them. Our team will help you understand these retirement plans. We’ll handle all the details while you focus on what you do best. Check out these answers to your frequently asked questions.

What is an Employer Sponsored 529 Plan?

A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged savings plan designed to help pay for education. Originally limited to post-secondary education costs, it was expanded to cover K-12 education in 2017 and apprenticeship programs in 2019. Employer Sponsored 529 plans offer an extra benefit to employees at no extra administrative costs and relieves the employee from paying sales charges.

What is an IRA?

Individual Retirement Accounts are investment accounts you can easily open yourself or have a professional help you. These accounts allow for you to benefit from deferred taxes when making contributions or tax-free withdrawals in the case of a ROTH IRA. The IRS increases the maximum contribution annually, including catch-up contributions for those with retirement in sight.

What is a SEP IRA?

SEP IRA plans are specifically designed for small business owners, including sole proprietors, S corporations, partnerships, or even independent contractors! Yes, you too can take advantage of these plans and save for retirement. These plans usually allow for higher tax-deferred contribution amounts based on the net business income.

What are Safe Harbor 401K plans?

The cream of the crop for retirement planning is at your fingertips! Not only can you plan for retirement, but you can also help your employees do the same. Making these plans available helps employees save and also attracts more talent to your business. According to one report, around 40% of employees working for small businesses say they would leave their current company for one who offers a 401k plan.

Land the Best Talent With Attractive Retirement Plans

Most of today’s workforce considers a retirement plan to be a “must-have” benefit. Offering attractive retirement plans and investment benefits is one of the best ways to attract and retain the best talent. Certified Payroll Advisors is ready to help you choose investment plans. You’ll benefit from flexible plan design, easy-to-use technology, comprehensive integration with payroll, and 20 years financial services experience.

Contact Us to Learn About our Retirement Services