Accurate Payroll – A Must and Five Reasons Why!

At some point we have all been at a job where something is incorrect in our check, if your payroll is on Friday it’s not a fun way to go into the weekend for either the employer or the employee. Let’s not even talk about if it happens right before a holiday!
“I love calculating hours, tips or commissions and running payroll!” Said NO ONE!! Which means errors in payroll causes turbulence and is a waste of our most precious commodity, TIME. The easiest way to stay within budget and reduce worked hours is to prevent errors. In this case we mean run payroll once and accurately to make sure everyone is paid correctly. Time is not spent to bring the errors to light and then wasting time correcting the errors.
We all will work for people we trust harder than we will if we don’t trust them. By virtue, when you take a job you TRUST this new employer will pay you on time and accurately. It’s not much to ask right?! Any inaccuracies in your pay does the opposite of reinforcing that trust and if repeated could be the cause for employees to look for employment elsewhere.
Harm to morale
All employees have lives outside of work, and while it may sound crazy, sometimes work is their safe space. Dealing with financial burdens, kids, sick parents, or even crazy neighbor can cause for employees to look to work as place of positivity. Mistakes on their paychecks may be taken personal when added to their other stresses in life and we definitely don’t want them looking to their crazy neighbor for positivity. Morale is important in the workplace and making sure payroll is not a factor is equally important.
Tax Complications
Payroll mistakes could cause all types of tax issues, from withholdings to retirement contributions, these could all cause a surprise at your employees one-year visit to their accountant’s office. Not to mention the possible penalties and/or preparation costs to go back and fix these issues. This doesn’t even include the time taken to fix the issue.
Damage control
Last but not least, not paying employees on time or accurately can look unprofessional to employees and their loved ones. If it happens repeatedly it could cause for employees tell other about the issue and cause harm to your business’ reputation. Here we go with the trust, time, and morale issues again! Prospective employees could be put off and even customers.
At NaviPay we care about your employees and we care about you, we want to be your safe space for payroll and make sure your time is spent wisely. From earnings to deductions, we will make sure you need not worry about payroll. Check out our specials for new clients and become a member of the NaviPay family!
NaviPay Payroll Services – Set payroll on cruise control!!