Author: rladmin
Written By NaviPay Blog Contributor:Suzanne Davis Coastal Business Evolution, LLC
Most of Florida is firmly into Phase One of reopening with the…
So, you received the PPP loan or are really close to getting the funding you want to make sure you keep yourself eligible to have it forgiven as…
Whether you are open under Phase One restrictions, an essential business, or offering limited service in an area not yet in Phase One, you still…
Written By NaviPay Blog Contributor:Suzanne DavisCoastal Business Evolution, LLC
We’re all pretty tired of quarantine and would probably like…
Governor DeSantis announced we will begin Phase One of the process of reopening our doors “towards a more hopeful future”. Beginning Monday…
When money is tight, advertising and marketing is always the first expense to be eliminated. Yet, this isn’t always the wise choice. With Phase 1…
Running a small to medium sized business is a constant juggling act. Sales, services or deliverables should be your top priority to generate revenue…
Ready for a full focused workout at home with personal trainers? It’s easier than you think!
Xhilarate Fitness is the answer. Mike Lenox and…
Written By NaviPay Blog Contributor:Mac Ross, Esq., The Law Office of Kyle Felty, P.A.
We have all seen the executive Order put in place by…
Written By NaviPay Blog Contributor:Benjamin Slovak, CPTSEnhanced Functional Training of StuartSpecial-Population, Post-Rehabilitation &…